RAPS Error Code 360
The Risk Adjustment Processing System experienced an issue that resulted in the incorrect assignment of error code 360. Error code 360 is intended to be assigned when a submitter sends in a RAPS record with an MBI before the MBI transition date. However, during August and September 2017 the error code was mistakenly assigned any time an invalid HICN was submitted. A fix has been implemented and error code 360 will only be assigned if a properly formatted Medicare Beneficiary Identifier (MBI) is submitted prior to 04/01/2018. CMS will release a memo with information on the transition to the MBI and how it will impact plan submission towards the end of this year.
In the event you have questions, please contact CSSC Operations at 1-877-534-2772 or by email at csscoperations@palmettogba.com.